Color is very crucial for people in daily life.With knowledge of how Feng Shui colors work you can choose the correct colors for every living space you have. With the correct Feng Shui colors you can create a harmonious lifestyle at home as well as at work. According to the principles of Feng Shui colors are incredibly important.
You should never just slap colors together. Because you think it looks great, sophisticated, cool or smart. Feng Shui beliefs teach that all colors have specific meaning and can be mood enhancing or mood depressing. There are five elements that govern the world and they are wood, water, earth, fire and metal. Each of these elements is represented by a different color.
It is necessary to create harmony based on Feng Shui colors for you.So it is easy to see that the correct choice of colors are vitally important to create balance and allow the free flow of positive Chi energy in any living and working space. So when deciding on Feng Shui colors it should never be done in hast, neither should it be done without the basic knowledge of Feng Shui colors. It is actually not difficult to decorate a home or an office with Feng Shui colors as a good Feng Shui book will have full details and the Internet is a valuable resource as well. According to the Feng Shui colors chart the element of water is represented by the spectrum of blue colors as well as all the shades of black. Wood is represented by all the variations of the color green. This makes green one of the best Feng Shui bedroom colors to choose for a restful atmosphere. Blue and black are also considered according to Feng Shui to be good colors for a bedroom.
The color blue is associated with peaceful sleep. Using red, maroon or pink will add fire to that space as red is the color representation of fire. The earth element is represented by orange, yellow and also brown so these will be used in any space where the earth element is important.
Metal comes to be the last.Decorating with Feng Shui colors will create the harmony and ambiance you specifically aim for in each room or space. Harmony and balance is the aim of using Feng Shui in the home and work space and this can be easily achieved.
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