Acupuncture treatments are said to heal stress, back pains, common colds as well as cancers. This impressive therapy has been modified and used in a new healing process called the Emotional Freedom Technique. Whether you have a headache, a stomach pain, dental pain or chronic pain, or if you feel pain without knowing the real cause, this procedure will help you get pain alleviation. The number of patients declaring its positive effects can?t be denied.
How does Emotional Freedom Technique really perform?
This technique performs where other techniques did not succeed. There are two reasons for pain that this concentrates on. First is the disrupted subtle energy. Your energy runs throughout your body and if it?s out of balance, you?ll experience pain. EFT tapping dissolves the harmful energy away from your body, hence removing your pain. The second reason is your negative emotions including anxiety, anger, guilt, etc. These emotions will cause you to feel sick. Whenever you tap any of these, it eventually disappears.
The first part of the Emotional Freedom Technique is the Set up phrase that aligns your conscious and subconscious mind in order to get over emotional change, or the experience of being in trouble with yourself. Specify the type of pain that you experience and use the phrase: ?Even if I _____, I sincerely and absolutely accept myself.? Say the assertion while tapping on the karate chop meridian. Tapping procedure is the second part. Tap each of the meridian points while telling the statement: ?This _____ pain?, specifying the pain which you want to get rid of.
Tap until you feel the pain goes away. During the day, tap on any kind of issues that can cause you stress. The environment needs to be calm and quiet. You may also tap out any triggers that have caused you stress or worry. Stress doesn?t only bring about psychological pain but also physical pain. With the help of the healing powers of EFT, your pain will be gone.
You do not have to bear your pain around with you. The Emotional Freedom Technique is the easiest and most efficient way for you to eliminate that pain.
Want to know more about Freedom Technique? Simply browse EFT Therapy website and discover things about Freedom Technique and what it can provide for you.
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