If the network marketing business is so good then why 90 percent of the people see the opportunity but fail in it?
The business idea of building a large organization is so simple yet not easy to accomplish. In this article, we look at the 7 common mistakes to avoid when building a successful home based business.
1) I must find the Super Salesman / I must become the Super Salesman.
Many of us view the MLM business as a numbers game but a successful network marketing business builder looks at both quantity and quality of people. There is no doubt that sponsoring is the foundation of building a large organization. However, as concerned as we are about the numbers in our team, we would rather be sponsoring five teachers than five salesmen.
You see, we are not dismissing the fact that salesmen can be a great asset to your team. Sure, the salesman will automatically do very well in selling the high quality products your company offers. They are able to put together their own presentation and sell effectively to people around them.
However, we do not want to tell our people how to sell, we want to teach our people how to sponsor and teach to build a large organization. Likewise, if you are a sales person yourself or you have people who are sales oriented in your network marketing team, teach them how to sponsor and teach to build a sustainable organization.
It can be difficult because if for example, you tell your super salesman that you need to sponsor people to make the larger amounts of income, what will they do? They will go out there and sponsor 3 to 4 people a week. This is great isn?t it? However, you may then notice that people are dropping out as fast as they join your team. This is because you are not working with them effectively. Sooner or later, your super salesman will be discouraged by the high leaving rate and leave the organization as well.
In order to avoid this, our organization has to be built on the strong foundation by TEACHING OTHERS to sponsor and teaching them to teach others to do the same.
2) I need to sponsor the whole world to be successful.
The Super Salesman can sponsor 100 people in a short period of time but most (or sometimes all) of them will drop out of the business. Now, which do you feel you could do more quickly ? sponsor 100 people yourself? Or sponsor 5 people who are serious and teach them how to teach their 5 to do the same?
The network marketing business concept works on the idea of LEVERAGE. There is absolutely no need to sponsor the whole world to be successful. Concentrate on working with five in your team and teach them also to work with their five and so on.
3) I only need to bring in one other person.
Most people think that you have duplicated yourself once you brought one other person into your organization. This is NOT true. The concept of true duplication only comes about when you have built your organization THREE LEVELS DEEP.
Take the example you sponsor ?A?. If you leave and because you did not teach ?A? and he does not know what to do, that?s the end it. On the contrary, if you DO teach ?A? to sponsor ?B?, ?A? will know what to do even if you go away from the organization. However, if ?A? does not know how to teach ?B? to sponsor, then again the structure will collapse and that?s the end of it too.
Therefore, in a team, it is imperative to teach ?A? how to teach ?B? how to sponsor ?C?. Now, you are THREE DEEP and have successfully duplicated yourself. And the same goes for ?A?, he or she has to build three levels deep as well to keep your team sustainable.
Tags: Avoid, Based, Building, BusinessPart, Common, Home, Marketing7, Mistakes, Network, Successful
Posted in Home Business
Source: http://www.killersnails.com/?p=545
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