?Whether rich or poor, we all have money problems, the difference is how we go about solving them For the rich they solve their money problems by building systems (assets) that generate money for them,. the poor simply go work (labor) for money. ?
Wealth is not the accumulation of money over thirty days. The source of wealth is not a paycheck (job). The source of wealth is an asset (business). Wealth is not the accumulation of money, but the accumulation of assets that generate money perpetually. Wealth is income earned from assets (business and investments). Money is earned income from labor (job and self employment). Both are never the same thing
What is wealth?
According to Robert Kiyosaki, wealth is the ability to survive so many number of days forward without working. For example, if all I have to my name is $ 1000 in savings and my living expenses are $ 100 a day, then my wealth is th days. If on the otherhand, my living expenses are $ 50 a day, then my wealth is twenty days. This is calculated by dividing the living expenses per day by the total amount of money one has in That Particular Time. Which means wealth is measured by how many number of days one can survive with the current one?s current level of living without a paycheck. Health and wealth are similar. Like when a doctor says ?you have six months to live,? a banker or accountant ?you are six months away from being poor g?. Wealth is not measured in money, instead wealth is measured in time. It is not a matter of accumulation (savings), but a matter of generation (cash flows). Wealth answers this question, ?how much money your assets are generating?? and not this question, ?how much money are you making or saving?? You?ll notice that wealth is continuous so long as the assets are supervised, but savings can be truncated at any time since the source of your savings is a job. Wealthy people do not save money, they invest it. Their assets have the capacity to generate more than they need such that whatever excess is left is not accumulated (saved) but rather re-invested into the same asset or other assets in order to generate more wealth. It?s a continuous cycle of cash flows, that?s why the rich get richer. The secret? Is that they build assets that generate wealth while the poor Thurs jobs that Allows them save more. You can not save wealth, you can only save money. Why? The source of wealth is not money but assets. Wealth is always generated, built or created from assets not money. Wealth like I said before this addresses questions, firstly, ?how much cash flows (income) Can your assets (business or investment) generate?? and secondly, ?how long can they (assets) continue to generate that cash flow (income) Until you can confidently answer these two questions never assume you are financially free;? you?re still in the rat race Never assume your problem of. money is over, they are only some days away from re-appearing!What is money? Money is the reward gotten for a problem solved. It is the currency you get in exchange for the solution you provided to an existing problem. Money is that which is given in return for a problem solved. Therefore money is released every time a problem is relieved. That is, there?s no way you can earn or get money until you?ve solved a problem first. In other words, solving more problems literally means making more money. The universal principle of making money states, ?TO GET, YOU MUST FIRST GIVE.? Nothing more, nothing less! The Idea of ??a job originated from this principle. A job is what you do (give) in order to make (get) money. Until you give your time, talent, skill and experience to a job (solve problem), the boss or owner will not release his money Which is what you get (reward) for the job done (problem solved). Before you were employed, the boss or owner had a problem Which needed to be solved. The position you now occupy what currently created by the boss or owner Sun as to solve a problem in Particular the owner?s business (asset). Until he?s convinced that you?re adequately qualified to solve the problem-he hired you to Particular solve, there?s no way you?re going to be paid (money). In other words, you?re the solution to a problem your boss created. The day you?re not adequately solving that problem, your presence will no longer be needed! I?m sorry if I sound a little bit harsh, but this is the bitter truth. The earlier you summon up the courage to accept this bitter truth, the better for you and all your loved ones. The life of an employee is far more risky and uncertain than all the risk faced by an entrepreneur (business owner). Most people would want to agree otherwise, well, they say experience is the best teacher. With time, the bitter truth will emerge, I can only hope by then it will not be not too late
The reason why is very risky and secure employment is that a whole lot of others can equally solve! the same problem you?re currently being paid to solve for your boss. In fact, most times, they even charge less than what you?re currently being paid. And do not blame a savvy business owner who is always on the lookout for more ways to cut cost, you would do the same if you were in his shoes. This is why employees are constantly on the edge of their seats. They live and work in unknown perpetual fear of the. Is this the kind of life you seek? Only you can know better
The universal principle of money Applies equally to the business owner or boss,. To get, so he must give. The only difference is that he chose to tackle his from a different and more strategic perspective. Be it on a worker or employer, we all must solve problems (give) before we can make money (get). Principles are timeless, they are no respecter of persons. You either accept them and apply them or you reject them and endure the consequence. God is not mocked, whatsoever you sow, you reap same shall
Both you and your boss obey the universal principle of money,. You give in order to get. However, your boss is much smarter. How do I mean? For him to make the money he pays you as salary, he has to use you to solve a problem he has indentified in the life of a customer. If he fails to successfully do this, both yourself and him will eventually be fired by the greatest boss of all, the customer. There?s really no difference when it comes to money between you and your boss, you both must give first (solve a problem) before you can receive (make money). He just like everyone else is struggling financially and desperately wants to be financially free, the ONLY difference is in the child he seeks solution and this is what separate the poor from the rich. While your boss builds a system that create products or services Enables him that solve the problems of his customers, you the employee function as part of the system created by your boss to solve a problem on his behalf. . What is now known as Business is the name given to the system created by your boss to solve the problems of customers
Whether rich or poor, we all have money problems, the difference is how we go about solving them. For the rich they solve their money problems by building systems (assets) that generate money for them, the poor simply go work (labor) for money. One builds a system that makes money, the other works for money. I ask you, Which is smarter? Employees are perpetually poor (financially dependent) because they are ?part? of the system, while employers are perpetually rich (financially free) because they ?own? the system works in the system The former created or built by the latter. The rich build systems that generate wealth, the poor go to work in the system built by the rich for a paycheck. Both give in order to get, but one builds in order to get, the other works in order to be financially free To get., you?ve got to be a BUILDER and not WORKER! A problem (financial struggle) truly does exist, your boss solves his by building a system, but you solve yours by working in a system He?s financially free because he owns the system, you?re struggling financially because you?re part of the How can you expect system to be free from what you?re a part of? Only the one who built the system (business owner) can be free! Why? He?s giving more than you?ll ever give. He builds while you work and God, the universe and all of creation rewards the builder more than the laborer. ?I?ll give bread to the eater and seed to the sower,? he says.
The judge ultimately become wealthy not because of their accumulated money (savings), but because of their accumulated system (assets) that continuously generate a constant source of income rates. This is the secret of the world?s wealthiest people, they never work (labor) for money, they simply build system (assets) that makes them money. This is the beauty of building a system, it has the capacity to generate constant, unlimited cash flows (income) as well as the power to free you of every physical involvement Malthus Allowing you the luxury of time needed to enjoy the money being generated. Would not you rather choose this than continue the rat race? The time to start is NOW! id=?article-resource?> Tito Philips, Jnr. is a young Nigerian who is MAD Making A Difference. He?s a People, Business and Life developer who is passionate about helping you become SIGNIFICANT-different (being unique) and Making a Difference (being useful). You can read more about his thoughts on business here; http://www.naijapreneur.com , and his thoughts on People and Life here; http://www.MADphilips.comtomb of the unknown soldier tomb of the unknown soldier reo reo chilis philip rivers 11 11 11 meaning
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