Sunday, December 2, 2012

My New Possible Website On Positive Thinking And Living

My New Possible Website On Positive Thinking And Living

I've just written out a new website page about thinking and living positively, being rational, and optimistic. Just my thoughts and feelings on the topic matter.

Please let me know what you think?

Thanks. :)

Hello, my name is Robert.

I'd like to share my thoughts in living a more positive way of life.

Much of how we live determines by our thoughts, attitudes, ambitions, emotions, and so forth.

I'm more of an optimist. I believe that a positive attitude and positive thoughts are essential for living as it helps us to keep in focus and think more clearly. When we face problems, we can face them more successfully most of the time and being positive helps us to accept things better and easier. Plus, it helps us to be more content our accomplishments and always strive to improve.

We must look at ourselves. How do we think, feel and live?

Do we feel that everything goes wrong with us sometimes? Do we get angry whenever someone or something inconveniences us or does something meaning to do it for one intention, but we feel that it's for the wrong intentions to offend us? Do we fly off the handle? Do we easily get upset over minor things?

Well, I've met different people in life that have negative attitudes which draws them to less patience, more anger, depression, despair, and even, sadly, possible suicide.

I feel that nothing is all that bad in life. It depends in how one looks at it!

You have two very ill people, for instance. Both have the same ailments. One does his/her exercises, checks the daily mail, cooks, cleans, maybe plays with their pet, and so on. Now, the other person...he/she just moans and groans, complains, lays in bed all day...just feeling nothing but miserable! Tell me, which one of these two people do you think will heal quicker and recover more rapidly? I'd say the first. Why? Because of that person's mentallity, attitude, how they feel. They don't let their sickness bother him/her. So, it doesn't.

Another example, you have two different men amongst different crowds of people. One person is always angry and there's NOTHING you can say or do with him that will change him. He's grumpy and takes just about anything offensively. Well, the other man...he always says "hello" to whomever he meets and sees. He smiles, jokes, and laughs alot. He's always cheerful! PLUS, he brings joy, cheer, happiness, and laughter to those all around him!

How you think and how you live is ENTIRELY up to you. Make a note that how you feel, think, say, do, your whole attitude and way about you affects you, the people around you, your surroundings, and even your environment.

To me, there's a huge importance to living rationally as well as to have faith, hope, and love. There IS a GOD that exists Who is the Author of Life, Source of All Happiness And Joy, Source of Forgiveness, and Who is LOVE. We are all made in His image and meant to live in this way.

So, I believe in living each and every day, each and every moment to the best that we can. Let's begin and end each day with a smile, laughter, and happiness. Let's enjoy life! It makes a difference! :)


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