Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Microsoft and Nokia launch Music Mix Party, let friends share a streaming Xbox playlist (video)

Nokia Music Mix Party lets friends share an Xbox music stream

We've seen a few attempts at shared audio streaming, but many of these depend on specialized apps or hardware. Microsoft and Nokia could clear that hurdle with their newly launched Nokia Music Mix Party, which leans on what many of us have at home. Xbox 360 owners with an Xbox Live Gold subscription just have to visit a website that starts an artist-based streaming playlist with a custom QR code; after that, anyone in the room with a mobile device can scan the code and vote on which songs should play next. The service is free to use during July, although we don't yet know if and how pricing will change afterward. Is Mix Party simple? You bet -- but it could keep guests happy at future shindigs, even if they don't care for our tastes in music.

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Source: Nokia Music Mix Party, Exploring IE


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