Monday, July 8, 2013

Wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Turner Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Turner Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Turner Jr.

Published: Saturday, July 6, 2013 at 18:11 PM.

Dr. Mary Catherine Brake and Carl Albert Turner Jr. of Greenville were united in marriage on June 29, 2013, at Ann Street United Methodist Church in Beaufort with the Rev. John Check and the Rev. Caswell Shaw officiating.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Samuel Brake Jr. of Beaufort and the granddaughter of Mrs. Louise Guthrie Thomas of Beaufort and the late Ralph Lester Thomas Sr., and Mrs. Emma Stanton Brake of Rocky Mount and the late Joseph Samuel Brake Sr.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Albert Turner Sr. of Bachelor. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. Claude Taylor and the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thomas Turner.

The bride was given in marriage by her parents and escorted by her father.

Nuptial music was provided by vocalist Emily Tucker, organist Kandice Davis, trumpeter Joe McCreary, violinist Darla Vick, and flutist Beth McCreary.

The matron of honor was Joanna Brake Ragon of Virginia Beach, Va., sister of the bride.

Bridesmaids were Dr. Amanda Bailey of Little Rock, Ark., Amber Ellis of Marion, Elizabeth Govoni of Beaufort, Virginia Shreve of Wilson, Rebecca Turner of Grayslake, Ill., and Laura Windley of Durham.

Best man was David Freitag of Libertyville, Ill.

Groomsmen were Claude Turner of Grayslake, Ill., brother of the groom, David Britton and Scott Lewis, both of Morehead City, LCDR Robert Ragon, of Virginia Beach, Va., Gerald Taylor of Washington, D.C. and Robert Thomas of Raleigh.

Assisting with the wedding were Allison Bernauer of Beaufort, director; Hayes Jones of Arlington Va., Mary Way of Los Angeles, Calif., and Allison Kittrell of Beaufort, program attendants.

A reception, hosted by the bride?s parents was held at The Dunes Club in Atlantic Beach.

The couple took a honeymoon trip to Kauai, Hawaii.

The bride graduated from N.C. State University, the Brody School of Medicine at ECU, and Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. She is employed as a physician in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics with ECU Physicians.

The groom graduated from N.C. Wesleyan College. He is employed by Hospira in Rocky Mount.

The couple plans to live in Greenville.


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